For those of you interested in nature conservation and biodiversity, there are three exciting meetings happening this week at the Startup Garage on the Est USI-SUPSI campus. Under the theme BiodiverCittà!, there will be discussions about urban biodiversity over lunchtime for an hour each day.
Promoting biodiversity in urban settings creates optimal conditions for the growth of flowers, plants, pollinating insects, and other animals, benefiting both residents and visitors alike. Green spaces not only serve a social function but also filter fine dust particles, cool the air in summer, improve water infiltration, and much more.
However, urban biodiversity manifests in diverse ways, from urban gardens to bird nests, flower beds, and countless other initiatives. Everyone can contribute, from individual citizens to associations and political authorities.
If you're interested, you can find all the information here: Registration is encouraged. On Friday, after the discussion, there will symbolically be created a piece of garden followed by an apéro.
Monday, May 13th, 12:00 - 13:00 Biodiversity in urban and peri-urban landscapes: principles and realized examples by Maja Leonelli - Landscape Architect
Wednesday, May 15th, 12:00 - 13:00 The inclusive garden Pierluigi Zanchi - Founder and owner of tigusto SA (artisanal food laboratory)
Friday, May 17th, 11:00 - 12:00 Actions for urban biodiversity – City of Lugano Erika Franc Benetollo - Biologist, Head of Public Green Project, City of Lugano.